You never have to Drain your Pool to Acid Wash out ugly Stains or to remove Calcium Deposits on your Tile
JLNP is a unique environmentally effective way to conserve our precious water resources. Think of all the water wasted when people drain their pools for an acid wash.
JustLike-a-NewPool is the ultimate high-tech do it yourself process which allows pool owners to acid wash their pools without draining it using the Max-Applicator that conveniently attaches to your pool pole. The proprietary unique additive X-2000 is used to suppress toxic fumes and buffer the maximum strength muriatic acid used in the acid wash process.
JustLike-a-NewPool is versatile and can also be used in many ways to:
1. Acid wash your entire pool
2. Remove ugly stains like copper and thick calcium nodules (like stalagmites on your pool surface)
3. Remove the white calcium line around your pool tile
All without draining the pool!
Demo Kit $59.95
Spot Removal Kit $109
Calcium Line Removal Kit $109
Play Pool Kit $245.00
Diving Pool Kit $325.00